COP28 Thematic Days

COP28 Thematic Days: A Detailed Guide About It

COP28 is scheduled to take place from 30th November to 12th December 2023. It is set to be a milestone in the fight against climate change. Throughout the two weeks of COP28, various thematic days will be organized, each focusing on critical aspects of climate action and sustainability. Let’s delve into the COP28 Thematic Days and the key topics that will cover.

List of COP28 Thematic Days

1. 30 November: Opening 

The opening day of COP28 will set the tone for the conference, emphasizing the urgency of climate action and the need for global cooperation. High-level delegates, policymakers, and climate activists will gather to lay the groundwork for the following negotiations and discussions over the next two weeks.

2. 1st and 2nd December: World Climate Action Summit

The first two days of COP28 will witness the World Climate Action Summit. In this critical event, leaders from governments, civil society, and businesses will come together to announce ambitious climate commitments and actions. 

3. 3rd December: Health/Relief, Recover, and Peace 

On this day, COP28 will shift its focus towards health and relief efforts in the context of climate change. With increasing climate-related disasters affecting vulnerable communities, discussions will centre on strategies to build resilience, provide relief, and promote peace in regions impacted by climate change-induced challenges.

4. 4th December: Finance/Trade/Gender Equality/Accountability 

Financing climate action is a critical aspect of COP28. This thematic day will address the pressing need for increased climate finance to support mitigation and adaptation efforts in developing nations. Additionally, the day will emphasize promoting gender equality and accountability in climate actions to ensure an inclusive and just transition.

5. 5th December: Energy, Industry, and Transition

Transitioning to a sustainable energy and industry landscape is vital for combating climate change effectively. COP28 will highlight the importance of renewable energy adoption, decarbonization, and sustainable practices in industries to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and foster sustainable economic growth.

6. 6th December: Multilevel Action, Urbanization, and Built Environment/Transport 

Addressing urbanisation’s environmental impact is crucial for most of the global population living in urban areas. This day will focus on multilevel climate action, sustainable urban planning, and the role of the built environment and transportation in creating climate-resilient cities.

7. 7th December: Rest

Amidst the intense negotiations and discussions, COP28 recognizes the significance of taking a day for rest, reflection, and consolidation. Delegates and participants will have the opportunity to recharge and refocus their efforts towards achieving meaningful outcomes.

8. 8th December: Youth, Children, Education, and Skills 

Engaging and empowering the youth is essential for ensuring a sustainable future. COP28 will emphasize the role of young people in climate action and the importance of climate education and skill development in building a climate-literate generation.

9. 9th December: Nature, Land Use, and Oceans 

Preserving and restoring ecosystems are key pillars in the fight against climate change. COP28 will highlight the importance of nature-based solutions, sustainable land use practices, and protecting marine ecosystems to combat biodiversity loss and enhance climate resilience.

10. 10th December: Food, Agriculture, and Water 

The global food and agriculture system is significantly impacted by climate change. This thematic day will promote climate-resilient agriculture, sustainable water management, and innovative food production techniques to ensure food security amidst changing climate conditions.

11. 11-12th December: Final Negotiations

In the concluding days of COP28, the focus will shift to finalizing negotiations and agreements. Delegates will work towards reaching a consensus on crucial matters, including loss and damage, adaptation measures, and updated commitments under the Paris Agreement.

Read More: COP28 Program: Does UAE Really Care About Thematic COP28 Programs?

Facts About UAE

  • The UAE is one of the richest countries in the world, with a GDP per capita of over $68,000. This wealth has been generated by oil and gas exports, and the UAE has been slow to diversify its economy
  • The UAE has a very high carbon footprint, and its emissions are growing rapidly. The country is the world’s 17th largest emitter of greenhouse gases, and its emissions are expected to increase by 200% by 2050

The UAE has been accused of hosting COP28 to whitewash its environmental record. These facts suggest that the UAE may not be as committed to addressing climate change as it claims to be. The country’s focus on fame and wealth may take precedence over its environmental responsibilities.

In Conclusion: COP28 Thematic Days

COP28 is expected to be a defining moment in the global fight against climate change. With its diverse thematic days covering COP28 key themes, the conference aims to foster meaningful discussions, collaboration, and decisive actions to address the most pressing challenges of our time. 
