COP28 Food Security

COP28 Food Security & UAE Food Wastage

The 28th Conference of the Parties is set to discuss one of the most pressing global challenges of our time, that is, COP28 food security. The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is set to host the COP28 summit. Still, it is ironic that the country itself is grappling with significant food shortages while wasting a considerable amount of food on a daily basis.

Reports suggest that the country wastes a staggering 3.2 million tons of food, with almost 38% of prepared food being thrown away daily.

This alarming trend is particularly concerning given that the agenda for COP28 centers around finding solutions to address global food shortages. The UAE, as a nation, must acknowledge the gravity of the situation and take immediate action to curb its wasteful habits. Such a high rate of food wastage not only exacerbates food scarcity but also contributes to environmental degradation, as food waste in landfills generates methane, a potent greenhouse gas.

As the host country for COP28, the UAE must set an example for the rest of the world by taking practical steps toward reducing food waste. This will benefit the country and help ensure global food security, a cause at the heart of COP28.

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COP28 Food Security: The Food COP

This year’s COP is being referred to as “The Food COP,” as it will focus on how to create food systems that are more resilient to climate impacts, reduce emissions, and conserve biodiversity. The COP28 is expected to see countries come together and make commitments to shift to sustainable food systems.

  • During COP27, a package called “Koronivia” was adopted. It requires the United Nations climate action body to think about the relationship between farming, food security, and climate change. This is a positive step, but the problem is that Koronivia only focuses on the production side of food security, which means it doesn’t take into account a food systems approach. This approach would involve considering things like healthy diets, fairness, and sustainable supply. The lack of this approach means that much work must be done to help policymakers understand how food and climate are connected. At COP28, it will be essential to continue to raise awareness about the need for a more comprehensive approach to food security that considers all aspects of the food system
  • The Paris Agreement didn’t focus on food and farming. People who are concerned about the land and growing food don’t get rewarded for making choices that are good for the environment and people. By COP28 Food Security, we should progress towards creating policies and programs that give credit to those who produce food in ways that help the planet, like reducing carbon and maintaining water quality. This will also help with food security and reducing food waste in the UAE
  • Food systems can be hard to understand, but we can simplify the way we talk about them. A Food Systems Manifesto could encourage people to take action and commit to specific goals. For example, we could set a goal to make the global food system better for nature, the climate, and people by 2035. This manifesto could be helpful for the upcoming COP28 conference in the UAE, where we will be talking about how to improve our food systems
  • Climate change, the availability of food, and the diversity of life are all linked together. We need to protect the diversity of life and change the way we grow and produce food to help limit the impact of climate change. By recognizing these links, we can start to fix the damage that’s been done to our environment and our health. This is important for COP28 because it’s an opportunity for countries to come together and make plans to reduce the effects of climate change on our planet.

Final Words: COP28 Food Security

It is essential to understand the connection between food waste, climate change, and the upcoming COP28 event in the UAE. When food is wasted, it means that all the resources used to produce, process, package, and transport it are also wasted. This has a negative impact on the environment and contributes to climate change. Therefore, it is vital for the UAE to take the necessary steps to reduce food waste and promote food security. By doing so, we can positively impact the environment and contribute to a sustainable future for all.
