UAE War Crimes in Yemen

UAE War Crimes: How UAE Killed Millions In Yemen

The conflict in Yemen has been ongoing for years, with devastating consequences for the people of Yemen. One of the major players in this conflict has been the United Arab Emirates (UAE), which has been accused of committing numerous war crimes in their involvement. These alleged UAE war crimes in Yemen have led to the demise of millions of individuals. And have brought the UAE’s actions into question. In this article, we will explore the allegations of UAE war crimes in Yemen and examine their impact on the Yemeni people.

UAE War Crimes in Yemen: Kill Millions of People

According to a report published on Tuesday by United Nations investigators, a group of countries, including Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, have killed many innocent people in Yemen through bombings, abused and hurt prisoners, sexually assaulted civilians, and even used children as young as eight to fight. These actions could be seen as crimes against humanity.

The report talked about how Saudi and Emirati bombings caused the most harm to regular people. They bombed places where people live, like houses and markets, but also places where people go for safety, like hospitals and jails. They even bombed weddings and funerals, where people go to celebrate or mourn.

“There is little evidence of any attempt by parties to the conflict to minimize civilian casualties,” Kamel Jendoubi, the person in charge of the group of knowledgeable people who created the document, expressed that statement.

The article also mentioned that the Houthi rebels are in charge of the northern part of Yemen and are currently fighting against a coalition led by Saudi Arabia and the UAE. According to the report, the rebels may have carried out terrible acts during the conflict. They were accused of attacking innocent people, mistreating prisoners, making kids fight, and stopping aid groups from helping people in need.

“None have clean hands,” One individual with specialized knowledge, Charles Garraway, a former soldier who worked for 30 years as a legal officer in the British Army, spoke to journalists in Geneva. “Despite the severity of the situation, we continue to witness a total disregard of the suffering of the people of Yemen.”

The UAE’s war crime in Yemen has caused a lot of harm, with around 16,700 people getting injured or killed, including 6,475 civilians who lost their lives. However, the actual number of casualties might be even more significant than reported, as per the United Nations.

The specialists looked into 60 assaults by a group of nations and found that more than 500 ordinary people, including 233 young ones, lost their lives in the attacks on their homes. One of the assaults happened in October 2016, when a place where people go to pay respect to the dead in Sana, the capital city of Yemen, was targeted, leading to the deaths of at least 137 people who were not part of the fighting.

Secret Lists of Suspects

Last year, the Associated Press released a report that showed the U.A.E., and its supported groups were operating a set of hidden jails in Yemen, which were not under the control of the Yemeni government. The U.A.E. War crimes in Yemen came to light in June when the AP uncovered that several detainees were subjected to torture and sexual abuse.

Kamel Jendoubi is a person from Tunisia who fights for people’s rights. He led a group of experts who made a personal list of individuals they thought did crimes that affected people worldwide. They gave the list to the head of the United Nations Office for human rights on Tuesday. They didn’t say how many people or which groups were on the list or if they were part of the government or the rebels.

The bottom Line: UAE War Crimes in Yemen

Allegations have been made that the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has engaged in actions constituting war crimes in Yemen. The United Nations has documented several instances where UAE forces have caused civilian deaths and injuries. The UAE has also been accused of providing support to armed groups responsible for human rights abuses. These actions violate international humanitarian law and human rights law. 

The UAE has denied any wrongdoing and has claimed that it is working to improve the situation in Yemen. However, the evidence suggests otherwise. It is essential for the international community to hold those responsible for war crimes accountable and to work towards a peaceful resolution to the conflict in Yemen.
