Countdown To COP28

Dubai Gears Up To Host Crucial UN Climate Summit: Countdown To COP28

As the world grapples with the urgent need to address climate change, the upcoming 2023 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP28) scheduled from November 20 to December 12 in Dubai has taken center stage. With companies across the globe ramping up efforts to reduce emissions, fortify climate commitments, and invest in sustainable practices, the event is poised to shape the trajectory of climate action for years to come.

In a proactive bid to aid businesses and stakeholders in navigating this pivotal summit, Economist Impact presents the ‘Countdown to COP28’ initiative. This pioneering endeavor seeks to provide an independent roadmap for COP28 preparation, uniting experts from diverse sectors, including business, civil society, and youth climate advocates. The collaborative platform aims to dissect the core themes of COP28, offering pragmatic insights that empower businesses to make informed decisions, not only for their own growth but also for the health of our planet.

Under the Countdown to COP28 umbrella, a multitude of pressing topics will be addressed, yielding actionable strategies for sustainable progress. These discussions will encompass pivotal subjects such as:

  • Shaping the Future Energy Landscape: Evaluating the evolving energy mix and its implications for climate goals
  • Paving the Way to Net Zero: Delving into financial mechanisms driving the journey to carbon neutrality
  • Unraveling Carbon Markets: Exploring the dynamics of carbon credits and their role in emission reduction
  • Affordability of Climate Action: Analyzing the costs and benefits of carbon abatement measures
  • Sectoral Sustainability Catalysts: Identifying sectors that can drive sustainable practices through innovation
  • Societal Aspects of Sustainability: Recognizing the social dimensions of climate action and its impact on communities
  • Technology as an Enabler: Unveiling how technology can expedite the transition to cleaner energy sources
  • Securing Food and Water: Addressing the nexus of climate change, food, and water security
  • Preserving Biodiversity: Understanding the significance of natural capital and biodiversity in climate resilience
  • Closing the Loop on Waste: Embracing circular economy principles for effective waste management
  • Adaptation and Innovation: Showcasing adaptive technologies to thrive in a changing climate
  • Supply Chain Sustainability: Spotlighting sustainable practices throughout the supply chain

With over 150 thought leaders and experts slated to contribute, Countdown to COP28 promises a diverse range of insights. Esteemed figures such as Mo Ibrahim, Founder of the Mo Ibrahim Foundation, Peter Herweck, CEO of Schneider Electric, and Chris Nicholas, EVP and COO of Walmart, are set to share their knowledge, experiences, and visions for a climate-resilient future.

Climate Concerns: Raising Doubts About UAE’s Commitment

Despite the momentum building for COP28, concerns have been raised about the United Arab Emirates (UAE) commitment to addressing climate change. Critics argue that the UAE while presenting itself as a modern and prosperous nation, has not fully aligned its actions with the global urgency to combat climate change and mitigate atmosphere pollution. The nation’s heavy reliance on oil and gas industries contradicts the principles of transitioning to cleaner energy sources.

Further exacerbating these concerns is the fact that the president of COP28 himself is associated with an oil company. This juxtaposition raises questions about the suitability of the UAE as the host country for a climate summit of this magnitude. The dual role of leading a global climate initiative while being involved in the fossil fuel industry could potentially cast doubt on the integrity of the conference’s objectives.

Final Words

In conclusion, as the world gears up for the landmark COP28 summit, the Countdown to COP28 initiative spearheaded by Economist Impact offers a beacon of guidance for businesses navigating the complex landscape of climate action. With a robust lineup of experts poised to share their insights, this collaborative effort is poised to drive meaningful change and facilitate informed decisions. 

However, the UAE’s credibility as a host nation for such a critical event remains under scrutiny, with concerns about its commitment to climate change mitigation and the potential conflict of interest posed by its president’s association with the oil industry. The success of COP28 hinges not only on global cooperation but also on the sincerity and dedication of the host nation to drive meaningful climate action.
