Bonn Climate Change Conference And COP28 UAE 2023

Bonn Climate Change Conference And COP28 UAE 2023

This year’s Bonn Climate Change Conference (SB58), scheduled to launch on Monday, 5 June, marks a significant milestone in the preparation for the 28th Conference of the Parties (COP28) to be held in the United Arab Emirates in December. Building upon the outcomes of COP27 in Egypt last year, the conference will assemble the 58th session of the UNFCCC subsidiary bodies, encompassing a wide array of events and continuing discussions on crucial issues that demand immediate attention.

Addressing Critical Issues: A Collective Effort

COP28 and Bonn Climate Change Conference will provide a platform to deliberate on key issues of paramount importance. These include the global stocktake, the global goal of adaptation, the just transition to sustainable societies, the mitigation work program, and loss and damage. The stakes are high as the international community recognizes the urgency to limit the warming of our planet to 1.5 degrees Celsius for our survival.

UN Climate Change Executive Secretary, Simon Stiell, emphasized the significance of the global stocktake, describing it as an unprecedented opportunity to redirect our course and approach climate change with renewed determination and fresh perspectives. The technical phase of the stocktake will conclude at the Bonn Conference, initiating the political stage, which aims to deliver a robust outcome during the first stocktake at COP28.

Operationalizing Climate Solutions

During SB58, an important goal is to prepare for COP28 decisions on implementing the new loss and damage fund and funding arrangements. Additionally, crucial decisions regarding the host for the Santiago network on loss and damage will be made. The focus remains on implementation and delivering tangible results as parties comprehend the gravity of the situation and acknowledge the need for action.

Mobilizing Financial Support and Accountability

Climate finance will be a main focus at the conference, with particular attention given to providing sufficient and predictable financial support to developing countries for climate action. This includes the implementation of the new collective quantified goal on climate finance. 

Seizing the Opportunity for Collective Progress

Sameh Shoukry, President of COP27 in Egypt, stressed the importance of the Bonn Climate Conference in taking stock of the implementation status of the outcomes and breakthroughs achieved in Sharm el-Sheikh. 

The conference is crucial to remarkable progress at COP28 in the UAE. In light of the escalating climate crisis and its daily ramifications, it is imperative to reaffirm our commitment to the principles of the UN Framework Convention and the Paris Agreement, aiming to uphold the Paris temperature goal of limiting the temperature increase to 1.5 degrees Celsius, adapt effectively to a changing climate, and respond adequately to various forms of losses and damages.

A Vision for COP28: Pragmatic and Impactful Outcomes

Dr. Sultan Al Jaber, COP28 President-Designate, highlighted the critical nature of the upcoming Bonn sessions in shaping meaningful and pragmatic outcomes at COP28. The Presidency is dedicated to fostering an inclusive, fair, and transparent environment that facilitates consensus across all agenda items. 

Key priorities include enhancing the availability, accessibility, and affordability of climate finance, doubling adaptation finance, operationalizing the loss and damage fund, tripling global renewable energy capacity by 2030, and prioritizing the well-being of young people, nature, and health in climate progress. The support of the Subsidiary Body Chairs and the collective effort of all parties is crucial to achieving a balanced and ambitious outcome in the UAE in December.

High-Level Champions Paving the Way

COP28 and Bonn Climate Change Conference also present an opportunity for the High-Level Champions for COP27 and COP28, Dr. Mahmoud Mohieldin and Ms. Razan Al Mubarak, to facilitate connections between governmental efforts and voluntary climate actions undertaken by cities, regions, businesses, and investors. Emphasizing the importance of accountability, they will explore avenues to strengthen the impact and transparency of these actions.

Conclusion: Shaping a Sustainable Future through COP28 and Bonn Conference

With 198 Parties, UNFCCC is a testament to the global commitment to address climate change. The Bonn Climate Change Conference (SB58) is pivotal in preparing for the forthcoming COP28 in the UAE. 

By focusing on critical issues, mobilizing financial support, and emphasizing transparency and accountability, the international community aims to strengthen its response to climate change. Through collective efforts and strategic decision-making, COP28 and the Bonn Conference hold the potential to shape a sustainable future, mitigate the impacts of climate change, and ensure a harmonious balance between human development and environmental stewardship.
